Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Alli & Micah's wedding

Last weekend was Alli and Micah's wedding. It was a wonderful, beautiful weekend, full of family and fun. Congratulations to the new couple!

Micah and Allison Johnson

Two pregnant bridesmaids: me at 25 weeks and Mary Beth at 37 weeks. Good thing black is slimming, right?! :)

Annie made an adorable flower girl.

Our family of 3.5.

The Millers

A bad angle on the photo, but here's our family of 13, soon to be 15.

The three boy cousins in matching outfits. Jakin and Corban were so helpful in helping us chase down Thomas, who NEVER stopped running the entire weekend.

Still running. He was doing laps inside the reception hall and out on the porch. But how cute is his tie?!?!

Alli's bouquet

Love these two versions of table settings!

Grandpa dances with Lauren

Susanne and Caycee help T dance upside down.

Ed dancing with the kids

Thomas, still going strong on the dance floor at 10:15 pm. Who knew my dress would be so fun?

Love this photo!

Cutting the cake

Visiting the Beightols

We recently went over to the Beightols' house for dinner to meet baby Jacob.

Isn't he a cutie?

Now that Ethan is a little older, he and Thomas are really enjoying playing together. They loved Ethan's swing set.

Ethan showed Thomas the doggy door on their sunroom.

Thomas tried it out, multiple times.

Thomas showed Ethan how to use the garden hose. Yes, Thomas knows how to turn on the hose and how to squeeze the handle on the nozzle to make water come out. They filled and then played in the doggy bowl.

Then Thomas gave Ethan another demonstration of how hoses work. Ethan got soaked and was so shocked that he just stood there, getting wet. It would have been a great video!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cardinals Game

Mom and Dad were in town this weekend, and so were the Brewers! We had taken Thomas to a Cardinals game when he was a baby and then wisely chose not to last year. This year was probably even a bit too early, but with Brewer fans in town, plenty of hands to help occupy the little guy, and free tickets for kids under 3, we couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Thomas and Grammy in their matching jerseys

Me and Thomas at the game (the Brewers won, by the way...the only win out of the three game set, so a good one to be at!)

Happily we were in a fairly empty section. T spent alot of time on the move--over the seats, up and down the stairs, walks out by the concessions...

And then when the game got boring, he discovered the line of buses parked outside the stadium--way more fun than watching baseball!

Grant's Farm

On Sunday, we tookadvantage of the beautiful weather and went to Grant's Farm. The highlights are here: (from T's perspective: elephants, a carousel, and baby goat petting).
Checking out the clydesdales between the fence slats.

Look at the fuzzy baby Clydesdale...still huge though!

T really wanted to ride the carousel. He waved every time he saw one of us.

Petting the baby goats. They were more persistent than I remembered from last fall--chewing on anything and everything. Thomas liked the sleeping/laying down ones; he was a little unsure of the chewing ones (as was I!). If only that dislike of being bitten could be translated into a lesson not to bite...

Save me daddy!

Checking out the animals from Buppa's shoulders

Love the elephant!

Mom, me and Thomas on mother's day


Thomas was having some trouble falling asleep last night--lots of fussing--but we just let him work it out himself. When I went into check on him before I went to bed, I expected him to be on the futon rather than in bed, but I didn't expect to see this:I love it! I can't tell you how many nights I still fall asleep while reading. Never mind that it was dark in his room, so he probably couldn't see the pages... He's "reading" Where the Wild Things Are, which he calls "rumpusing" because on one of the pages the wild things rumpus. I guess that stuck with him.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A New Sandbox* for Thomas

Saturday was beautiful, so we spent the day outside, getting some things done in the yard.

Thomas played in *the gravel pile in Ed's truck*, purchased to enlarge our back walkway. It was almost as good (and much dirtier!) than a sandbox.

He also tried out the wheelbarrow.

Ed hard at work, smoothing out the gravel he shoveled and then positioning the stone squares on top.

Thomas cleaned off in his little pool. You can tell from his expression that it wasn't quite warm enough to be swimming in the pool.

The finished wider walkway down the side of the garage--looks great!