My growing belly (see picture) is a good reminder that it's time to get cracking on the baby room. Ed is planning to get some work done while I'm in Milwaukee this week and NY next week. This weekend we bought a crib (see picture) and a dresser (no picture yet). To add to Ed's work load, the dresser is unfinished and needs to be stained. Fortunately he likes that tedious, putzy work. I do not stain. It's not good for our relationship or the unfinished piece of wood. Something about me not having patience and attention to detail...
On my end of the baby room project, though, I'm happy to show off our color scheme and fabric swatches! The collection is Back Porch Bouquet in teal and mocha--nice gender neutral colors. It's not "baby" themed fabric, but I'm going to create zoo animal shapes on the quilt and for wall art, as well as little stuffed animals. The walls will be a soft teal. Here are the fabric swatches, as well as a beautiful quilt that the ladies who designed the fabric made for me just for fun. I'm so excited to get the fabric (it's just shipping to stores now) and get started on everything I want to do. I think it'll be a race to the finish line for both Ed and me. Maybe we'll start taking bets on the blog about who finishes first...
That quilt is adorable. I need friends who make me quilts just for fun. Can't wait to see you next week.
My goodness, Lisa. You're leaving me in the dust as far as blog postings go. Does having 3 children count as an excuse?! I love the fabric...
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