Three-day weekends are great...an extra day to get work done!
My friend Kathy came down from Michigan to hang out/help, and she was a great motivator. I organized my office, she and I rearranged kitchen cabinets, and we bought components for the baby room closet. She also "shopped" in my studio and took home fabric for her next quilt.
Meanwhile, Ed and Tucker finished up the painting. On Monday, we assembled the crib and glider (and reassembled the futon, which had been living in pieces in the hallway) and moved everything into the baby room. We still have some bits and pieces to put together, but the main parts of the room are done! I can't believe the changes in this room--the new woodwork looks professional and matches the rest of the house so well.
Although I've been secretly telling it this for a week or so (while Ed has been sending it the opposite message: encouraging it to stay inside), the baby is officially welcome to come anytime!
Awesome job! It looks beautiful! Ed - you really rose to the occasion(with a llittle help from tucker!) Can't wait until there is a little someone in the crib!
Love, mom
Looks like you are in hard-core nesting mode. There's nothing more fun than having everything ready for baby! At least, that is, until baby comes. Then the fun really begins.
I concur. Nice work Ed.
And yes, stay inside. Once it's out, there's no going back!
Great job, the room looks good enough to have a baby in it!!!Awsome job, Ed...I knew you had it in you!! It will be so nice when Baby Ruble is occupying the crib. Enjoy and keep us posted. We are sending you good baby vibes! Love, Barb
The room looks beautiful! Can't wait for more pics! Kel
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