Summer in St. Louis has started...Thursday through Sunday it was 80+ and sunny, with a suggestion of humidity. We grilled out all 3 weekend nights, which was great, and spent each evening on our deck. So nice! Ed did alot and I did a little yard work...as soon as our grass takes root, I'll share a picture, but right now it's just dirt and not too impressive to look at. (The stone path Ed and dad installed is great though--especially with today's rain!
Summer also means less clothing for Thomas--time to wear all the cute onesies and enjoy those adorable baby toes! He seems to enjoy the breeze outside, and spent a few hours in his bouncy chair on the deck on both Saturday and Sunday. Of course, he also watched some of the draft and the NASCAR race with daddy. Check out Ed's babysitting skills in the picture!
I want to kiss those toes!
Love, Grammy
TJ is so darn cute, he gets cuter and cuter with each passing day...I am totally a Grammy wanna be! Barb
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