Ed, Cliff and Tucker did the Mattoon Man Triathlon Sunday morning: .9 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 10k run. The day was HOT, cloudless, and HOT. (Yes, I know I said "hot" twice...it was that hot.) They all finished and did a great job! Cliff finished 5th overall with a time of 2 hours, 27 minutes. (He got a big, beautiful trophy which we'll be shipping back to Colorado for him!) Tucker finished in 3 hours, 2 minutes, and Ed finished in 3 hours 11 minutes. Great job guys! Check out the link below to see specifics on their times.

The guys before the race. They're all wearing matching singlets from Cliff's bike fitting company, Retul.

To get an idea of how long the swim was, look carefully at this picture. You'll see a big orange buoy right in the center of the photo, and then two more off to the distance on the right. There's a fourth buoy to the left of the flag pole. The last buoy is way off to the left...not even in the picture. It was a long swim!

Cliff finishing the bike portion.

Tucker finishing up the run through the great "corn desert." No shade whatsoever. Hot hot hot!

Ed on his new bike.

And what blog entry would be complete without pictures of the munchkins? Thomas cheers his dad on from Dustin's shoulders.

Zack chews on the fence waiting for his dad to go by.
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