We spent last weekend at the lake with my cousin Corey and our friends Rachel and Brittany. The weather was great, so we spent alot of time on the lake and also golfed. Ed and I both barefooted again, Corey barefooted for the first time, Rachel got up on the slalom ski, and Brittany learned to ski. Thomas continues to scoot around on his belly. He's getting faster and more determined in his attempts to chase down cell phones, cameras, and anything with blinking lights.

Lunch on the boat: Brittany, Corey and Rachel

Rachel and Thomas

Brittany and Thomas on the boat

Corey in action

Ed and Thomas cheering for Ohio State. Sadly (or not so sadly, depending on your loyalties), they lost.

Sunday night Thomas and I cheered for the Packers. Don't worry, Packer fans--Thomas has a Packer outfit to wear for future games. It's long sleeves and pants, so we have to wait a couple weeks for the weather to cool down. In the meantime, I'll dress him in green on Sundays!
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