Thomas is using his newfound pulling up skills to scale every piece of furniture in our house. He's starting to learn how to fall now, as well, which is much less painful than a full-on wipeout. He's also a big fan of standing up in his crib in the middle of the night and then crying until one of us comes to get him. We, obviously, are not fans of that.
This might be my new favorite picture. Just over the last day or two, he's experimenting with letting go with one hand. He's also tried to bend over and pick up a toy/remote/pacifier from the ground, but that usually causes him to tip over.
Here's a video of Thomas in action.
In the crib
On the futon
On the coffee table (computers! remote controls! water glasses!)
Getting up close and personal with his favorite show, Sportscenter. He'll stand here for 15 minutes if we let him.
He's also using these newfound skills to gain access to areas that he's had trouble reaching in the past, like our DVD shelf, with an assist from the bumbo (above), and the lower shelf of our coffee table (below).
And just for fun, a video of Thomas and Ed playing a game Ed calls "Tilt-a-Whirl." Fortunately it doesn't end like the ride does for so many people!
I love how you say Sportscenter is his favorite show. It's kind of like saying Ed is your favorite husband. True, but a little funny given its singularity. . . :)
OK you,once again made my day! What a cutie and so much fun. Thanks for sharing.
I love how you say Sportscenter is his favorite show. It's kind of like saying Ed is your favorite husband. True, but a little funny given its singularity. . . :)
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