Last weekend we celebrated Thomas' first birthday a bit early because we had visitors for the long weekend--Mom, Dad, Jenn and Pat.
Check out our big boy! Doesn't he look older than one? It must be the hair.

I found cute dinosaur plates and napkins, and Ed wanted TJ to wear his halloween costume again because it's so darn cute, so the party had a dino theme.

A little cake just for Thomas

Thomas and Grandpa rest up with a 2-hour nap before the party! Good strategy to get out of helping get the house ready... :)
And below...a sequence of cake eating pictures.

Singing and blowing out the candle.

Not real sure about the "messy" frosting on his fingers...

Willing to try a bite.

Not too messy

We attacked Thomas a bit with frosting--a nakey baby with a frosted cupcake should be messier! And, if you noticed his legs in every picture, he always eats with his legs crossed--so polite!

The party scene

Thomas with his friends Molly and Cooper, both of whom ate their cupcakes with more gusto than he did!
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