The three of us babysat 4-month-old Ethan Saturday night for our friends Carrie and Justin. We had fun but are very happy not to have kids 10 months apart!

Thomas is all about touching Ethan. He was mostly gentle, either patting his head or touching his hair, but a couple times he tried to play the bongos on poor Ethan's skull! He also demonstrated how to use all the toys on the exersaucer to a rapt audience. These two will be great friends!

And jealousy kicks in. Thomas did not like it when I was holding Ethan. He wanted to be held as well, and you could picture him thinking "that's MY mommy."
So I tried holding them both. That's alot of weight! Thomas really didn't think this was much better.

So Ed took over Ethan duties for a while and they watched basketball together.
1 comment:
You look good with two kids, Lisa! :)
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