Beautiful October weekends are for football and water skiing (at least in central Illinois, where the temperature was in the 80s). Football wasn't so good this past weekend (ugly losses by NU and the Packers), but the skiing was amazing! Smooth, glassy water, perfect for barefooting and skiing, and not just in the morning--we had great runs all day long. One more weekend of skiing--equally beautiful weather is forecast and Kelly, Dustin and Abbey are coming down!

And here's me barefooting, wearing two wetsuits (a full-body one for warmth and the padded suit for protection).

Thomas is in a major copycat phase. From using nail clippers to pulling milk out of the fridge to fill a cup, he does everything we do. Apparently he's seen us put our drinks in can coozies once or twice, because he jammed his cup in one as well. Oh, and later, while we were cleaning up from dinner, it got very quiet. I looked around the corner and he was right next to my (half filled) wine glass. I was afraid he had taken a sip--thank goodness he hadn't--but instead he was filling it with pepper! Ed drank it anyway (yuck!). Adding salt and pepper to a meal is just one more thing to copy, I guess.

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