We've been getting the house ready for Christmas! First, we went to Eckert's to get our tree. It was a cold day so we decided to choose from the pre-cut ones rather than go out and cut our own.

Thomas and Ed with our tree

Driving the old tractor

Eckert's has expanded their restaurant and store. Before lunch, we walked through the store. One of the employees offered TJ this little cart. He loved it, but he was a bit of a menace, pushing it around and into people/things!

Back at home I pulled out the nativity scene. Thomas commandeered all of the people and animals for himself ("horsey!" "baby!")

Looks a little lonely without the animals and people, doesn't it?
Ed channeled his inner Clark Griswold on the house decorations this year. He was out for 3 hours--from 8 until 11 pm on a Friday night--putting up lights. It looks great though (not that these pictures do it justice) and I'm thrilled to have a "gingerbread" garage since it's too hard to put lights like that on our house. The weather even cooperated and gave us some snow.

Can't you just picture him stapling his sleeve to the garage like Clark did?

Front of the house

Gingerbread garage, plus green lights on the new fence

We took this picture while decorating. He looks about 4 years old, doesn't he?
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