We have been trying some "big boy" things lately, in part motivated by friends/family's kids and in part because T seems to be ready (in some cases).

This one was not our choice. T has been able to (pretty smoothly, actually) climb out of his crib since before the holidays. It became an issue this week, when he did it 4-5 times per night, each night. Last night we put the mattress on the floor. After about 30 min. and many trips into the room by us, he fell asleep on the mattress. At 3 am, I checked on him and he was asleep at the door to his room (we had a baby gate up to keep him in). Tonight, Ed took the front of the crib off, so he's in bed but able to get out. He's now been roaming/playing in his room for 1.5 hours. We'll see where/when he falls asleep and what we try tomorrow night...but he thinks this new bed is very cool! Just apparently not for sleeping.

While Ed was gone this week, I was bored and my sweet tooth kicked in so we made cookies. Thomas liked pouring measuring cups of dry ingredients into the bowl, turning on the mixer and LOVED eating cookie dough.

Not really a big boy thing, but still cute. T loves "appowsau" (applesauce). When he can't spoon anymore out of the bowl, he lifts it up and drinks the rest. Every night. We don't mind...it's pretty much his only fruit intake, sadly.

Encourged by seeing cousin Lauren sitting on the potty, we bought a little seat and have been trying it out. So far, T likes the seat because Elmo and "fishies" (his new favorite) are on it, but doesn't get the concept. We're not pushing this...we'll stick with one big change at a time, and that would be the bed...
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