Despite the headline, this post has nothing to do with cold weather! When I was a little girl, my sister and I (and cousins, friends) spent alot of time playing dress up. We had some great clothes, hats and shoes to use, both at my house and at my grandma's house.
When Thomas was born, I figured with him being a boy that there would not be alot of dress up going on. Apparently, I figured wrong. There's definitely dress up--just a slightly different kind.

This photo--and many more like it--of Thomas wearing my "girly" derby hat from Alli's shower prompted the arrival of a box filled with some better "boy" hats.

Like this one.

And this one.

And these two. (Visitors to our house often find themselves wearing hats, courtesy of Thomas.) And sometimes, even with all these choices, he still puts my girly hat on top of the construction hat, just for fun.

And then there are the boots. We originally pulled them out for the wet Easter egg hunt, but Thomas is obsessed with them, probably in part because they're the only shoes he can put on and take off himself. He loves wearing them around the house (pretty much every day), yelling "boots!" And yes, frequently without wearing pants. Or wearing them with shorts, another good look. He had them on while sitting on the potty the other day as well.

Boots and hat together...really, no caption needed.