While Ed went on a business trip to California, Thomas and I stayed in Milwaukee for the week. Even though it was snowy and cold in Wisconsin, we still had lots of fun!

Visiting Grandma Millie

Enjoying a dreamsicle at Grandma Millie's for lunch

Chilling with Grammy

Playdoh is fun! Grammy helped Thomas use cookie cutters to make duckies and gingerbread men, and then he used toothpicks to give them eyes and beebos.

Thomas chased poor Oz all week, trying to grab him by the tail. Oz was very patient with our smitten toddler.

Playing "baketsauce." If you missed the video, scroll down. It's worth it!

Flying angel balance with Boppa.

One morning it got very quiet. Quiet is NEVER good. Thomas was enjoying the fact that cupboards at Grammy's house don't have latches, and he'd emptied out the baking cupboard, including placing the hand mixer on top the counter. We caught him as he was about to start emptying handfuls of sugar onto the floor. Yikes!
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