Our first winter in Michigan hasn't been very snowy, so when we have had snow, we've tried to take advantage of it. A week ago Friday, we got snow. (hooray!)
So Saturday morning, I took TJ out to use his cross country skis. I love that he loves to do this. Hopefully next winter we can ski as a family.
A picture of where we're living. It's a pretty good set-up--a corner unit, so some additional windows, green space around us, and a decent amount of space inside, including a basement. Of course, the closer we get to our move date for the new house, the smaller this place seems. Many of our sentences these days start with: "When we get to the new house..."
Sunday, TJ and I went sledding. There's a golf course right behind our complex and a neighbor mentioned that kids sledded on it in the winter. I figured it would be crowded and wild, but at 11:30 on a Sunday, no one was there except us! We both had a blast.
Thomas would pull the sled partway up the hill and then he looked for a ride. It was a pretty steep hill!
Playing outside in the snow is exhausting!
On Saturday, Kathy came to visit. We needed to check on some repairs at the new house, so she met us there to look at paint colors with me. It's helpful to have a friend who is an interior designer! The roads weren't great, so she decided to spend the night. We went to Gallo Blanco for dinner, played with the kids, and planned out the colors for the house.
Thomas likes to show everyone who visits how to play with Alphie.
He also loves helping to give Josiah a bath. This leads to a lot of splashing (by both of them), and this photo shows the last bath not in the tub. Much easier to contain the splashing there.
Josiah's new thing is to stand up. All.the.time. He's wobbly and still needs support, but any time you try to sit him down, his legs go stubbornly straight so that he can stand again (kind of the opposite of rubber legs, an affliction most little kids experience).
TJ's favorite new spot--in the pack and play, under the "mattress." He spent about 20 minutes in here one day, in complete quiet. He's never quiet for 20 minutes at a time. I like this new hiding spot!
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