Sunday, April 1, 2012

Life with a 3-year-old

First, TJ's 3-year-old pictures, and then a few stories from today, a typical day with our spirited (but so darn cute) 3-year-old:

Story #1:
11 am, whining: "I don't 'yike' (like) eggs...just bacon and toast. No eggs on my plate."
11:10 am:  Eggs gone, bacon and toast mostly remain. "More eggs, please."
5:30 pm: (Okay, so the toast and bacon were still sitting on his plate on the table--we had a busy day.) "Time for breakfast! I have more eggs with my bacon and toast please."

Story #2:
1 pm, helping me make focaccia for dinner by pouring measuring cups of flour into the mixing bowl: "I do it myself." (This is actually the first time in a while that he poured everything in the cup into the bowl, rather than on the counter/floor/himself.)

Story #3:
2 pm, after we put the focaccia in a bowl to "rest" (rise), and it was TJ's naptime: Screaming and yelling "I don't wanna take a nap!" and refusing to stay in his room.
2:10 pm: I find him passed out at in the hallway at the top of the stairs. He slept there for about 45 minutes and we stepped over him as we went up and down the stairs.

Story #4:
7:30 pm: TJ is finally learning to tolerate a bucket of water being poured over his head to rinse during bathtime. Tonight he beat me to it. He poured one over his own head, one over Jojo's, and one out of the bathtub onto the floor.

Story #5:
Big potty training push this weekend. To generate a little excitement, he and Ed have a potty chart competition (they each get stickers for their successes). Sometimes we ask him to try, sometimes he volunteers. He is not keen on "trying" unless the peepee is coming. But at the same time, he doesn't always tell us when the peepee is coming. Oh, and our new strategy is letting him run around (only in the house, obviously) naked because if he's wearing anything diaper/underwear/pants, he doesn't seem to notice the "urge" and doesn't use the toilet.
8 am: "No! peepee's not coming!"
8:30 am: "Peepee's coming" (sticker earned)
11 am: "No! peepee's not coming!"
11:30 am: "Poopoo's coming!"
11:31 am, sitting on the toilet: "Nope."
12 pm: "Poopoo's coming!"
12:01 pm, sitting on the toilet: "Nope."
12:10 pm: "Poopoo's coming!"
12:11 pm, sitting on the toilet: "Nope."
12:20 pm: "Poopoo's coming!"
12:21 pm, sitting on the toilet: "Nope."
12:30 pm: "Poopoo's coming!"
12:31 pm: "Poopoo's here!" (Finally. Big sticker earned. High fives all around)
12: 33 pm: "Peepee's coming"(sticker earned)
and so on... 
Thomas earned 4 little stickers and 1 big sticker today. Ed also earned 5 stickers. I'll spare you the details of how he earned his. 

And just think...we get to go through all this fun again with Jojo in 2+ years!

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