Back in August:
First the cake (which I was pretty proud of!) and then the cape...the two highlights of birthday #2.
Josiah has what we call a "slight obsession" with trains, specifically Thomas the Train (and friends--Percy, James, Toby, etc.). We have a Thomas the Train set and he will play with it for hours. So the birthday cake idea was pretty much a no-brainer. This was my first 3-D mold, but it worked out pretty well. I baked it Friday morning and frosted it Friday night, using one of the boys' trains as a model. 

I think he likes it!
The party ended up with a hat theme--not sure how that happened, but it was fun!
A brother and a cousin look on, ready to help if needed!
Aunt MB sent Jojo a Super J cape. Thomas has been wearing a bandana for the last 8 months or so whenever TJ put his cape on, so this gift was a huge hit! He runs around yelling "Super Jojo!"
You can picture him yelling that here.
The bandana cape got passed down to cousin James.
I love this photo.
It's a good thing we have so many hats for our guests to choose from! The Brewer helmet is mine from high school softball--I don't remember anymore why we got them, but it's signed by everyone on our team.
Monster bowling: another popular gift!
The party was the Saturday before Jojo's birthday when the Ellestads were in town--just cake with them and the neighbors after dinner. Plenty of fun, which is good because Jojo's actual birthday (Tuesday) was a bit rough. He fell off a toy truck while we were playing at a friend's house and ended up with a concussion. You can see the dazed look in his eyes. Poor kid! Good thing he won't remember this birthday.
But he did love the stool from Grandma and Grandpa! So now instead of TJ and Jojo fighting over TJ's stool, they fight over prime placement in front of the sink. I think it's an improvement.
He's a bit more perked up in this picture, but it was an early night. Fortunately he was better the next day.
Happy Birthday Sweet Josiah!
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