Monday, August 22, 2016

4th of July at Pearl Lake

When we can, we try to spend the July 4th weekend at Pearl Lake. Panoramic fireworks that we watch from the boat, playing in the lake, time with family, and now, Isaac's birthday!

The big boys love to fish and are always asking Corey, Uncle Pat, Buppa or Daddy to do it with them. We actually let them both use hooks now, with supervision.

Lots of cute Ben close-ups from this weekend.

Naptime on the docked pontoon!

Hanging with Buppa

Grammy feeds Ben yogi; Isaac wants in on the spoon action

Momma and Ben

They're not truly wrestling--more just holding each other up!

The big guys always end up out on Big Mable during the booze cruise. This time, the ladies took our turn!

Everyone wants to help drive!

Ben gets a chance by himself.

TJ skied!

The boys rode Big Mable with Niki and Corey

A recreation of a picture from the year (or two?) before...this time with the bookends!

These two were like turtles with their life jackets on--if they tipped over, they couldn't get back up! They did like playing in the sand though.

Another Mable ride with Buppa! I had stitches in my thumb, so I was out of commission lake-wise this weekend. :( 

Jet skiing with Daddy

Jojo's fish

TJ's fish

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