Thomas fell asleep while nursing at the lake. I slipped out of the way and left him to sleep. His position reminds me of how I used to sleep with my giant snoogle pillow while I was pregnant. Don't you love our beautiful couch? It goes well with our lake-style decor: garage sale meets frat house.

Thomas naps fairly well, but sometimes we need a nap and he's not willing to cooperate. In these two pictures, Ed was trying to nap on the futon at the lake. Thomas wasn't having it, so Ed kept trying to find different positions that would satisfy Thomas and allow him (Ed) to sleep. The end result: no nap for daddy!

Ed and Thomas hang out in the swing in our backyard. Nap, anyone?
Check out the lush grass below that Ed grew!

Here's Thomas napping in my office after the babysitter left this afternoon. He almost always sleeps with his left arm up in the air. This was originally because we swaddled him while he slept and left that arm free. Now, even when he's not swaddled, he sleeps with the left arm up. So cute!
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