Dad, Jenn and Patrick drove down to Lake Mattoon this past weekend, meeting the three of us and Mom, who spent the week in St. Louis. It rained as we put the boat in and took it out, but otherwise the weather was beautiful and the skiing was great! Everyone but Mom tried the boom for some barefooting fun, and everyone skied. What a fantastic lake weekend!

Not discouraged by last week's pouty lip, we dunked Thomas' feet into the lake again. He seemed to like it better.

Jenn and Patrick enjoy some sun out by the sand bar.

Jenn barefooting...she pops right up every time! Clearly, it's like riding a bike; she didn't forget what she learned last year.

Patrick barefooting...last year he looked like he was running on the water's surface. This year, his form is even better. Ed yells "meathook!" which reminds him to stick his chest out (as if a meathook were pulling him forward) and he's in prime barefooting position.

Dad barefooting...after years of doing it behind the boat on a long rope, this is a piece of cake for him. He starts on the short rope (harder than straight off the bar) and even performs a tumble turn.

Yep...this is as close as I've gotten this year. I got up once last year (the weekend before I found out I was pregnant). I just can't quite get my body swiveled around this year. Oh well...I've got the entire summer to get stronger and practice!

Thomas takes a nap in the shade under the steering wheel while we're anchored at the sandbar. Poor hot baby!

After a sweaty day, Grandpa and Aunt Jenn give Thomas a bath in the sink. More pictures from the weekend to come tomorrow!
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