For several months now, Tucker has been eagerly awaiting the day of Thomas' first summer buzz cut. We were all available Friday night, so Tucker brought over his clippers and we had an impromptu buzz and bleu cheese burger night.

Last picture of the "long" hair

Mid haircut...sort of a mohawk! Thomas was not as miserable as he looks in this picture. Once the clippers was adjusted so it wasn't so loud, it just tickled him. Like all his haircuts, he didn't like getting all the pieces of hair in his mouth, but that was the worst of it. I really was expecting we'd have to take him somewhere to get it fixed, so I was pleasantly surprised with the cut job!

Tickle, tickle!

Definitely the most ticklish part...

He looks so old! And it's so soft and easy to wash! He also, especially now with the short hair, looks so much like his cousin Jakin.

We discovered a massive cowlick right along his hairline, which you can kind of see in this picture. It's getting hard to take good pictures of T because he wants to "see" the picture right away...often before I even get a chance to take it!

Tucker and Katie, enjoying their burgers on the deck. We had a pleasant mid 70s evening...a far cry from the usual 95, 90% humidity we have in the summer!

Me and Ed. I need to take a belly shot this weekend...30 weeks...(I think?!)
1 comment:
That buzz cut makes him look so much like Daddy!
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