A few random pics (and a video!) from the week! When Ed came home from work the other day, we were out back playing in the pool. Thomas kept dunking his hair and then letting the water drip down his face (see video).

Ed helped him dunk a little more than his hair!

Then they traded shoes.

Like his cousins, Thomas likes to read while he sits on the potty. We keep a stack of Sports Illustrated in the bathroom, and Ed started handing him the swimsuit issue and getting Thomas to say "pretty girls," which he does. What's funny is that T is most interested in the back page ad, which you can see in this picture--an M&M. The ad is a fold out, so while it looks like T's rapt attention is focused on the ladies, he's actually drooling over the M&Ms! Which he hasn't gotten in a while since he prefers to let us know after his diaper is full rather than before...like the smell doesn't clue us in!

Ed says the caption here should be "you should see the other guy!" I say the picture requires a little more explanation...
The shiner over his eye was self-induced during a temper tantrum the other day. He whipped a combination lock for Ed's bike against the wall, which bounced back and hit him in the face. The puffiness underneath is courtesy of a monster bug bite during dinner outside Wednesday night. They just happen to be on the same eye, making T look pretty pathetic!
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