Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pictures from Wed/Thurs

Just continuing to enjoy the munchkins! Ed took Thomas to see Cars 2 yesterday in the movie theater. Apparently after about 20 minutes, T looked at Ed and said "I want to go home." Ed, smart dad that he is, whipped out the bag of M&Ms and they made it through the whole movie. It sounds like the M&Ms may have been more of a hit than the movie. :)
Every morning, Grammy and Thomas have been walking a couple blocks to a construction site and watching the excavators, skid steers, bulldozers, etc. (T can name them all).
Josiah is continuing to eat and sleep like a champ. He's very laid back. We could definitely get used to this!
Hanging out on the deck while Thomas and Grammy played basketball and baseball.

Watching the cable guy installing service next door.

Lunch on the deck with not just one, but two juice cups--double fisting it! This is the good life.

Josiah napping on Grammy

We had J's first sponge bath tonight. He was NOT a fan. At the moment, he doesn't seem to like being naked or getting wet. He screamed more during this bath than he did immediately after being born! The extended arm in the photo above is not a sign of relaxed enjoyment--rather, frantic unhappiness. He didn't like lotion, either, but calmed down to his mellow self once he was in jammies and eating again.

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