Thomas arrived Saturday afternoon very excited to meet his little brother. (And singing "happy birthday" since he and Ed arrived at the same time as mom and dad, who came with gifts!)

So far, TJ has been pretty gentle with little J, though he wants to touch his eyes and kiss his head as much as possible. It's very sweet to watch!

In this picture, one of many outtakes while trying to successfully get a good picture of the 4 of us, TJ is telling little J to "look at Grammy" (who was holding the camera), since that's what we'd been telling him. He also later offered Josiah a bite of his pizza. :)

One of many head kisses

Love this look of wonder!

Grammy and Boppa had a long trip--we called them at 6 am to tell them a baby was on the way. They left the cottage, headed back to Milwaukee to pick up stuff from the house, and then headed to St. Louis (not the most direct route!). They were thrilled to meet grandson #2 while also having a few more days to play with and spoil grandson #1. We are thrilled they could get here so quickly and that they're two more pairs of hands to help with the transition from one spirited child to one spirited child plus one fragile newborn!
And also, a special thanks to our friends Rusty and Melanie, who came over at 4 am to be with Thomas while we headed to the hospital!
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