Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pics from the week

It's been cool the last week or so, which means it's footy jammy time! I love little kids in footy jammies. 

Jammies in the crib
T also likes sitting on the stool in the kitchen these days. And wearing his sunglasses.

Doesn't he look old in this picture?

Thomas had a shot earlier this week, and I gave him Tylenol afterwards. He was watching Sesame Street in his chair and it got very quiet. I looked over to see him like this. He'd fallen asleep and slid out of his chair onto the ground!

Our friend Brittany came over for dinner Friday night with her sweet little 9-week-old, Audra. Thomas was very interested in her, and especially her mouth!

Thomas likes to wear our shoes. He's frowning because he'd been trying to close the bathroom door and the shoes kept getting in the way.

Ready for college: We stopped in to visit Corey's new apartment and Thomas climbed right up on the futon and made himself at home with the video game controller. I offered to leave T there for the night, but I think Corey thought I was joking...

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