Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween weekend

Halloween was bittersweet for me this year because I was out of town at a quilt show. :( It's one of my favorite holidays--we usually go all out decorating the house for trick or treating, so that was a bummer. Mom and Dad were in for the weekend, so the two of them did the costume fun with Thomas and Ed.
T in his cow costume
Pumpkin love!

Examining the pumpkin (a word he now says, by the way! It comes out as "pun-keen")

Wearing Grammy's sunglasses and Grandpa's hat: one cool dude!

Last year Thomas didn't like the leaves at all. Happily, this year he's decided they're fun to play in!

Ed, T, mom and dad went to the St. Louis Zoo for their halloween festivities. Here's everyone riding the train around the zoo!
Riding Grandpa around the zoo!

Saying goodbye on Sunday!

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