Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hot Day in St. Joe's

We picked one of the hottest weekend days of the summer to meet up with Kathy and try out the beach at St. Joe's. It was...crowded. But the beach sure is prettier on the Michigan side of the lake--sandy, blue water, gentle waves...

The highlight of the afternoon was not actually the beach, but the water park right behind it. The boys loved it!

The water shot a good 6-8 feet in the air, but the boys preferred just to stand on top of the water spouts.

On the was almost as crowded as our visit to Coney Island when we lived in NJ--you weave your way around beach towels, sunbathers, and umbrellas.

The boys also loved the painted trains, cars and planes situated around town.

We let TJ get an ice cream cone. He saw some other kids with Superman--blue, red, and yellow ice cream--and had to have it. I was really hoping I could steer him toward something chocolate so that I'd want to share. No such luck. He had a blast eating the cone, but wow, was he messy! 
Everyone who walked by commented that it was good his ice cream matched his shirt!

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