Wednesday, September 10, 2014

First few days at home

We only spent 36 hours in the hospital--we were doing fine, and the maternity floor was crowded--they needed the room!

Ready to go home! 

We had some help bringing Ben into the house!

The boys love holding Ben, kissing his head, holding him, watching him get his diaper changed, holding him...
Thomas will hold him for several minutes at a time and kisses his head while he holds him. Jojo holds him for about 15 seconds at a time and then announces "I'm done."

Sacked out in his Tigger outfit

First bath at home. He was not a fan of being naked or the sponge bath.

Hanging with Daddy

A slightly blurry photo that TJ took for me. I love having a baby all curled up, snoozing on my chest!

All swaddled up! We've used the swaddling method for sleeping on all three kids with great success.

One of my favorite baby expressions--the wrinkled forehead look

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