Monday, April 20, 2009

Thomas Travels

I introduced Thomas to my quilt studio the week he was born, trying to start him early as a quilter, or at least a toleration of quilting! Last week, I went one step further, taking him to his first quilt show! I needed to go to the Chicago Quilt Festival for work, so Mom accompanied me to care for Thomas while I was walking the show (as you can imagine, it was quite a hardship for her...). I don't have any pictures of Thomas traveling or at the show because walking through the airport with baby, diaper bag and car seat is challenging enough without trying to photograph it as well. Our second plane trip is in three weeks and Ed will be along, so we'll take photos then. Thomas did great--he slept on both plane rides, saving us from dirty looks from other passengers. At night, he slept in his little travel tent, which is awesome. 

This week Thomas also got to meet his Great Grandma Millie and some of Mom's friends, all of whom just wanted to eat him up! Grandpa Jeff introduced him to a wooden motorcycle rocker made by Great Grandpa Jerry. And Thomas got to meet Oscar. Neither of them was terribly interested in the other...I'm sure that will change once Thomas is mobile and starts chasing Oscar's tail!

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