Sunday, July 24, 2016

Random April pics

I like to draw mustaches on the boys for April Fool's Day. This year, Jojo thought it was hilarious. (isn't his cute?!)

Thomas was NOT amused at all when he woke up and saw it.

Look how helpful Jojo is! (And how much Ben is enjoying the yogurt!)

This is a great activity to keep these two occupied while I make dinner.

We have a lot of pancake Saturdays at our house!

...with bacon

Even Ben gets some. Don't you love his hair?

Waiting for TJ at the bus stop...

It finally got warmer and Ben's little toes were introduced to grass.

This hat was Jojo's. I absolutely love it.

I think he likes the sunshine.


TJ had an art fair at school. He knew exactly what he wanted to paint for it. We bought canvases and I pulled out my box of craft paint. Thomas wanted to do his painting using the pointillism method. I was glad I had bought smallish canvases! He did move on to other techniques part way through, thank goodness, or we wouldn't have finished before the deadline!

Art studio in session:

Here's TJ's finished painting. He did a great job and the ideas were all his. The title is: "The Day and Night Skys Mixed" and subtitled: sun vs. moon (shown in drawings rather than words), blue vs. black, pointillism vs. spread, Seurat vs. not Seurat

Jojo wanted to do a painting too. He drew his inspiration from TJ. 

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